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Here’s How Juan Martitegui 9xed his Sales in Four Steps

From $6,500/month to $58,000/month In Sales

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Juan Martitegui is the founder of Mindvalley Hispano, but he is best known for his successful sales strategy that helped him double sales, making up to $58,000/month. How did he do it? By simply focusing on these four key areas;

  • Get more prospects for your business

  • Convert more prospects into customers

  • Increase the transaction amount when they buy

  • Increase repeat business (or extend their subscriptions)

Let’s dive in;

Cold Email Setup Offer

We started sending 10,000 cold emails per day, and scaled a brand new B2B offer to $108k MRR in 90 days. Now, you can have the same system set up (completely done-for-you) inside your own business - WITHOUT going to spam, spending thousands of dollars, or any manual input. Close your next 20 clients easily. We’ll set up the tech, write your scripts, give you the leads, give you the inboxes, and the sending tool - all starting at $500/mo.

Get more prospects for your business

This is the focus of every entrepreneur and the first step of the marketing funnels. Prospects are potential customers who show interest in your business. Your goal therefore should be to boost interest by improving your landing page or getting your ad in front of more prospects. 

Next is Conversion;

After getting the attention of your prospects, it’s time to show them why they should trust your business compared to your competitors. This happens in the conversion stage of the marketing funnel. It is at this stage that leads become customers and are ready for the next stage of the marketing funnel. A lead is a prospect that has provided a personal detail such as an email address. 

Once you have successfully converted your leads to customers, the next step is;

Increasing the transaction amount

One way to do this is by upselling. This is a sales technique that involves encouraging your customers to purchase a premium version of what they originally intended to purchase. Or make an additional purchase that increases the total amount of purchase made by the customer. After successfully implementing this strategy, your next concern should be encouraging your customers to return for a repeat purchase. 

If you haven’t seen our previous publication, then you need to as this will help you understand what customers want to see in businesses to become loyal customers. Click the link below to read it. 

Implementing all four steps of this strategy successfully can be challenging. Especially if you want to boost your sales whether monthly or yearly. This is where Juan’s technique comes in. You don’t need to focus on all four steps at once. Rather, your focus should be on achieving 20% improvement in each of the steps and then let the power of compounding work in your favor. 

So let’s say your target is 20% more sales in Q1, 2025. Then;

Month 1 - Focus on achieving 20% more prospects than the previous month

Month 2 - Focus on converting 20% more leads 

Month 3 - Focus on upselling 20% more transactions than the previous month. 

Then repeat…..

At the end of the year, you should observe a geometrical growth in both customers and sales.

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Until next time, Best Regards.
